Posts Tagged ‘Yukio’s WRX W


Test fitting the Buddy Club P1 Racing wheels on Yukio’s Wagon.

Buddy Club P1 racing wheels are just plain great. They’re light, offers a wide size (8.5 inches… that’s what she said) and the perfect offset however, great on the WRX sedan, not so much on the Wagon. For those that don’t know much about the Subaru WRX, the Wagon differs a lot to the Sedan when it comes to width. The wagon owners got the shaft when it came to fender flares.

Here are the Buddy Club P1 Racing wheels on Yukio’s Wagon. Looks great on the side with the Bridgestone RE-11 Tires (245/40/18 size)!  The Fronts fit great under the fenders as Yukio switched over to a Sedan Fender. The rears, are a different story.

There’s a good 5mm of tire sticking out of the car. With some fender rolling, lateral links, and adjustments from the Apex’i S1 Dampers, they should fit flush soon!

With Albert coming in these should fit PERFECT! Thanks to Bridgestone and Buddy Club for the on going support!

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